January 31, 2025
Dance is on 1/31/2025 @ QMS
Will not be accepted permission slips the night of the dance
Hive Literary Magazine club interest meeting dates please attend one if you are interested
Wednesday February 5 & Thursday February 6
SHREK rehearsals are this week. Cast, please check out the schedule on the google classroom to see when you are called to rehearsal.
QMS Got Talent February 12 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM At QMS
For the lowest prices ever, order your yearbook NOW!
Prices are set to increase on February 17th!
You can print an order form HERE.
You can also order online by going to yearbookordercenter.com / USE ORDER # 21978
You can also use the QR Code
Be sure to get a confirmation number if ordering online!
QUESTIONS? Email QMS Yearbook or stop by room 208.
Calling all writers and artists! The Hive literary magazine is looking for your drawings, paintings, photography, poems, short stories, and more by January 31. Submit as many original pieces as you want to Ms. Simas in room 225, Ms. Herlihy in room 205, or to thehive@mansfieldschools.com.