Robinson Elementary School

Ms. Sydney Lambert & Ms. Laurie Oliver

K-2 General Music Teachers

We believe everyone can make music in some shape or form. Music can help heal the soul. It can help us express, validate, and understand emotions. It can be just for fun. It can help connect both sides of the brain, which correlates to improving academically. Music is so important for social, emotional, cognitive, and academic growth and development.

What Do We Do In Music?

  • We play instruments.

    • Xylophones

    • Glockenspiels

    • Boomwhackers

    • Hand drums

    • Keyboards

    • Auxillary percussion

    • Rhythm Sticks

  • We sing songs from all different cultures around the world.

  • We move in a purposeful way (Laban movement).

    • Heavy v. light

    • Fast v. Slow

    • Free v. Bound

  • We use props to help move or tell the story of a song.

    • Scarves

    • Beanbags

    • Puppets

We connect music to other subjects

  • Literacy/ELA:

    • We read stories in music that connect to songs. As we listen to songs, we determine which parts of the song match the story.

    • We clap out the syllables of different words and create songs and chants from them.

  • Math

    • We learn note values in music and how they relate to measures, similar to a math equation.

  • History/Social Studies

    • We learn the history of music in our country and others.

    • We listen to and learn the music of other cultures around the world.

  • Language

    • We sing in different languages from all around the world.

  • Science

    • We learn how music works and how different instruments can make certain sounds based on vibrations and frequencies.

    • We predict and experiment with different instruments and sounds.

    • We draw conclusions based on what we know about other instruments and apply them to new instruments (e.g., if it is a big instrument, it will make a lower sound, because the bigger the instrument, the lower the pitch).

But MOST Importantly....WE HAVE FUN!

Play is such an important part of cognitive and social development. Fostering a love for music is what we strive to do with all of our students. We believe there is something for everyone when music is involved.

Kids dancing

At Home Resources

Check out the Specialist Website Music Page for more resources and at-home activities for you or your child! Games, Bitmoji Classrooms, and Playlists can be found here.